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Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.

Click on this image to enlarge.



Random stuff

Sometimes I just make stuff, to play and experiment – no theme, no grand plan.

Without doing this art stagnates, it can loose its freshness and become formulaic.




Important note: All images on this website are copyright Sarah Bridget. If you wish to use them, please contact the artist for permission.

Home |||| About the artist |||| Beach series |||| EQ meets IQ |||| Textiles |||| From the model |||| 'Small art' |||| Random stuff |||| Contact

Website design by Tried and True


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